2016 Tzu Chi Tri Celebration of Buddha’s day, Mother’s day and Tzuchi day.

This is a major event in the Tzuchi Calendar held on the 2nd Sunday of May each year. This this year it happen to be the 50th year of the foundation in promoting peace in the world. I had the precious opportunity to participate in this year event held back in the spiritual home of Tzuchi volunteers, Jing Si Hall, or literally translated as “still thoughts hall”. Such major events are usually held at the stadium or indoor exhibition halls that can accommodate the huge congregation.

Tzuchi Chapter @ Elias rd
Fourth Service of the day

Other than participating in the Celebration Service, i also served as a media control guy in one of the event stations, the Tea-serving-station. Basically, all i had to do is set up the slides and mic, control the music volume, play music at appropriate timings and etc.


Other stations include the 50th anniversary exhibition

The station aims to promote filial piety and encourage one to express their love and concern to their elders thru the act of serving tea to their parents, grandparents, elder. I witness many children hugging their parents, some crying, some awkward but you can see deep down they are quite touched by the atmosphere and act of filial piety. Thankful that i had the opportunity to witness and assist in making such a wonderful event possible.

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Lastly, i gave away my Tzuching uniform to youth volunteers in Sri Lanka who could not afford to purchase it. I take it as a sincere prayer and blessing for the person who recieve it, hopefully he or she will be able to strive on the Bodhisattva path.

and of course not forgetting a group shot with some of the volunteers to end the day!

Peace out!

Tzuchi Tri-Celebration 2015

2nd Sunday of May is widely known as Mother’s day, but for Tzuchi volunteers it is known as Tri Celebration Day: Buddha’s day, Mother’s day and Tzuchi anniversary. Buddha’s day aka Vesak day is set on the same day as Mother’s day in Taiwan.

It is the 2nd time that my parents are attending the world peace prayer ceremony, but its the first time we are attending it together and joining in the prayer contingent. I’m really thankful that they are able to stay throughout and experience the spiritual atmosphere that touched me deeply. Volunteers also brought them around to understand the missions that Tzuchi is doing across the world and the teachings of Master Cheng Yen.

Tzu-Chi-recycled-bottles-for-blankets-folding http://thecoolgadgets.com/blankets-to-keep-disaster-victims-warm-made-of-recycled-bottles-donation-by-tzu-chi-buddhist-charity-organization/

Ma and Pa were impressed with Daai Technology that transformed recycled plastic bottles into comfortable thermal blankets and clothes. Rather than keeping the earth warm(carbon footprint), these blankets are given to the needy and for disaster relief. Another project that impressed them was the development of Instant Rice by a venerable master from Jingsi Abode.

Quoted from Tzuchi USA website:

During a flood relief effort in China, Dharma Master Cheng Yen was dismayed to see the elderly walking many miles to find relief of hunger. Also hoping to prevent disciples from spending too much time laboring over meal preparation and thus sacrificing valuable time that could be spent in Dharma lessons, Dharma Master Cheng Yen entrusted Master De Han to start the development of Jing Si Instant Rice.

instant rice group


What i did to show my appreciation? Other than being extremely nice on this specia day.. I also gave Ma a huge red packet and this bouquet shared by the sibiling.. Ma never liked to receive fresh flowers because they represent impermanence, but what is Mother’s day without carnations? Pa wrote a mushy message to her on fb to thank her for being his wife.. After the ceremony we went shopping and had dinner before i booked in to camp again.

IMG_20150510_232412IMG_20150510_185558May all minds be purified,
May there be peace in the community,
And may there be no disasters in this world


难得星期六早起, 就整理房间角落堆积如山的衣服。记得不要的都拿去环保!


是衣柜太小, 还是欲望太大 😉 清完后, 还有一堆还没折好的衣服, 挤进篮子都没地方放(吓死人的多)。


眼前的一袋垃圾是大约一个星期的垃圾。感恩家里已经有习惯将可以环保的垃圾放进黑色垃圾袋。垃圾袋没有很环保, 暂时只能应付日益变多的物品(惨了)。只能说最终还是”清净在源头”比较重要! 心想如果没有进来慈济学习做环保, 我家一整年应该浪费不少地球资源叻。




每年五月的第二个星期日是母亲节, 也是慈济庆祝佛诞节还有慈济日;三节合庆。全世界的慈济分会都会在这个感恩的日子里举办浴佛大典, 广邀社会贤达, 社区领袖, 宗教代表, 各道场的僧团还有教友共聚一堂来为世界祈福, 缅怀和感恩佛陀恩德。

我是第二次在室外体育场感受到那么强烈的正能量。虔诚的赞颂加上眼前庄严的画面, 瞬间感受到所谓的人间净土。身边都是菩萨, 大家虔诚的为世界祈福, 愿人心净化, 社会祥和, 天下無灾無难。那么单纯美丽的愿望, 慈济人却48年一直不变, 一直努力的落实着。

其实一年下来, 路上偶尔有很多声音动摇着自己的道心。但是自己很清楚知道唯有八正道能让我守这念心, 还有满满的法喜 = 推动力。还是感恩这些声音啦, 让我不断的精进, 逼着我去更深的了解 “她” 的角度和用心。只能说改革真的不简单, 但是要清楚知道慈济并不是要改掉佛教的原本教义, 而是改掉汉传佛教很多不必要的传统观念和习气, 让正法能普遍的在现代社会里常住。

静思法门是方便大家进去的, 是切实的, 圆融大小二乘, 自度度人。但是要精进的继续走着这条路, 真的是靠大家平时要做功课, 互相法亲关怀咯!


TCUSA 25th Anniversary

USTC360 No172 TCUSA 25th Anniversary: http://youtu.be/msbTPCyanpo

The USA Chapter was the first overseas chapter to begin with. 25 years ago, adhering to the Buddha’s spirit of “Great Mercy to strangers and Great Compassion to all”. Taiwanese immigrants set up the first Tzuchi overseas branch office in the United States.

With endless effort and dedication, 25 years of compassionate relief has been carried out. Over the years, the four missions of Charity, Education, Environmental Protection and Medicine are established while volunteers work towards these missions with the spirit of sincerity(诚), integrity(正), trust(信), and honesty(实)…

Through the endless effort of the USA Chapter to allieviate sufferings of those living in poverty due to sickness or any form of unfortunate circumstances, Tzuchi has gained recognition by local goverment and the Asian American community. However, the challenge next, will be finding ways to integrate into the mainstream community and inviting more to join in the Bodhisattvas path.

This video touches my heart deeply, and i fully understand their “urge” to reach out to the majority, the whites. By local context, being a multi-lingual country, English is the main mode of language among Singaporeans. Living in an English speaking environment also means that people here are heavily influence by western cultures and tend to repel from oriental groups. However, It is not a popularity contest that we are competing in. The main focus is to purify our hearts to make the world a better place to live in.

It is time to go global and look beyond our shores on what others are doing. I am looking forward to witness more 25 years of the USA chapter! Congratulations!


靜寂清澄 守之不動

  1. 希望众生得离苦,不为自己得安乐
  2. 坦白说有时候做慈济不欢喜,那时境界来考验,但是你要转啊。
  3. 行善有余,智慧不足,就是什么意思呢?我们天天行善,天天办活动,天天去募款。然后,都不闻经,都不听法,也不行经,也不法入心。
  4. 为什么在你可以,有时间的时候不去做,而是选择性的,因为你一选择,这就是执著,就是分别心,那妄想就出来。
  5. 知道了知,意识就出来, 一起分别,必有碍正,如有碍正就有取舍,如有取舍必定造业
  6. 受戒,护心


Ground Zero

I see faces everywhere on the street. Children were scared and crying , mothers wailing in despair and man stood by the road looking lost and helpless. Piles of wreckages and uprooted trees. It was a familiar screen playing a different language.

Then i opened my eyes, off my itune and sleep.
